November is National Diabetes Awareness month. Here is a message
from the American Diabetes Association on preventing Diabetes
among children.
Obesity and Preventing Diabetes in Schools
The need for schools to take a leading role in the promotion of
healthy living has been increasingly important given the overall
decline in physical fitness, the rise of obesity among
our nation's youth and the rising number of pediatric patients
who are being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
Our Overweight and Obesity Legislative Task Force found
that schools should serve as models of healthy behavior by
promoting good nutritional habits and physical activity.We encourage
all state legislators to support the Overweight and Obesity
Legislative Task Force recommendations, which include improving
school nutrition programs, eliminating vending machines,
increasing physical fitness opportunities, and developing
appropriate screening programs.
Choices for a Healthier Life
We have joined the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the American
Heart Association (AHA) to encourage the prevention and early
detection of diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke.
The goal of "Everyday Choices for a Healthier Life" is to
stimulate improvements in disease prevention and early detection
by increasing public awareness about healthy lifestyles,
increasing the focus on prevention among healthcare providers and
supporting legislation to increase funding for and access to
prevention programs and research.
Collectively, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke account
for nearly two out of every three deaths in America today.
Lifestyle factors - such as obesity, poor nutrition, smoking and
lack of physical activity - have a significant impact on the
prevention of these chronic illnesses.
ADA, ACS, and AHA are working together to raise awareness among
policymakers of the staggering human and financial costs of these
chronic diseases. Subsequently, our organizations continue to
fight for legislation that increases funding and research for
prevention and early detection.
For more information visit, http://www.diabetes.org/advocacy/advocacy-priorities/prevention/preventing-obesity-diabetes.html#sthash.WYrQgJ27.dpuf