Plant a Pinwheel Garden
Pinwheel gardens represent our effort to focus on community activities that support families and public policies that prioritize prevention right from the start to make sure child abuse and neglect never occur.
The Pinwheels for Prevention campaign helps to educate communities about the importance of supporting children and families. Shining in the sun, the pinwheel is reflective of the bright future all children deserve and our belief that getting it right early is less costly than trying to fix it later.
Each year, we turn Florida blue and silver with more than 70,000 pinwheels planted across the state. We invite you to join us in showing your support for the great childhoods all children deserve by planting a pinwheel garden in your community.
Ways to Use Pinwheels
- Show off your "blue" thumb! Plant a pinwheel garden in your lawn or outdoor space during Child Abuse Prevention Month (April).
- Share the campaign with your community. Host events, enlist partners, and utilize local media to help your community understand the campaign.
- Celebrate great childhoods by asking customers or clients to plant pinwheels in the pinwheel garden.
- Help our gardens grow! Get your local hospitals, health services and other partners involved. The more pinwheels in your community will equal a greater impact.
- Click here to order pinwheels.
Can't plant a pinwheel garden?
- Plant pinwheels in a large flower pot near the entrance to your building.
- Place pinwheels in small flower pots or vases on counters and desks.
- Host a community event and invite local families, schools, clubs, etc. to help you plant your pinwheel garden.
- Distribute additional Pinwheels for Prevention campaign materials found in the partner toolkit or available for order here.
- Encourage others in your community to plant pinwheel gardens.

Promote happy, healthy childhoods by planting pinwheels in your community!
Use social media to generate some buzz online!
- Promote the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign on your social media channels. This is a free and easy way to show your support!
- Download free customizable images, cover photos, profile pictures, and social media posts to raise awareness during Child Abuse Prevention Month online!