Pinwheels for Prevention

Pinwheels for prevention, a national campaign designed to increase awareness of child abuse prevention efforts is Florida’s statewide coordinated effort to highlight programs and activities that promote healthy child development and prevention of child abuse. The campaign, coordinated by Prevent Child Abuse (PCA) Florida, the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and the Florida Department of Children and Families, creates awareness of the proven ideas that child abuse can be prevented.
PCA Florida believes all families deserve to live in communities that have adequate resources to support families and provide opportunities for healthy growth and developmental experiences for children. Through the use of pinwheel displays, each community, business or organization can demonstrate its commitment to help Florida children live healthy, happy lives.
Florida’s Pinwheels for Prevention Campaign includes the publication and availability of a Caregiver's Guide, a Family Advocacy Guide, public service announcements, a campaign toolkit with sample press releases, social media posts and letters/opinion articles for local publication. The campaign also has, as its centerpiece, special events, press conferences and pinwheel displays in every corner of our state which serve as reminders of the carefree, fun childhoods we desire for every child in Florida.
What is Pinwheels for Prevention?
View the Spanish and Creole versions of the public service announcement.