Shaken Baby Syndrome Resources
Everyone who cares for your child should know about Shaken Baby Syndrome. Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is one of the most common injuries causing death by physical abuse to infants in Florida. SBS occurs when a frustrated parent or other caregiver loses control and shakes a young child, causing permanent brain damage or death. Crying is the most common reason someone shakes a baby. The outcomes for survivors typically include cerebral palsy, blindness, deafness, seizures and learning/behavioral difficulties.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund and the Florida Department of Health recognize SBS as an important public health issue and support raising awareness and providing critically important information to parents, caregivers, daycare workers, child protection employees, law enforcement and healthcare professionals and legal representatives.
Family/Caregiver and Community Resources
Other Resources
- Healthy Start Coalition 1-800-451-BABY
Offers resources and services, including child development programs, parenting classes, affordable child care and parenting programs.
- University of Florida Cooperative Extension 352-392-1778
Offers a variety of parenting education programs and child development resources.
- The National Exchange Club Foundation 1-800-924-2643
Sponsors parent education classes, provides in home parent mentors and promotes child abuse prevention month.
- Healthy Families Florida 850-488-1752
Healthy Families Florida is a community-based, voluntary home visiting program designed to promote positive parent/child interaction and healthy childhood growth and development.