Press Releases

January 31, 2025
Zoe Linafelt, APR
THE VILLAGES – This season, the Southside Looming Plus Club donated 300 purple handmade booties and caps to parents involved with the Period of PURPLE Crying® program administered by Prevent Child Abuse Florida, part of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. The program educates new parents and the general public about ways to soothe a crying baby to prevent Abusive Head Trauma to infants, also known as Shaken Baby Syndrome.
The Southside Looming Plus Club, founded by President Amy Donato from the Village of Marsh Bend, is a yarn crafting group with a heart. The organization knits, crochets, and looms items to donate to veterans, children’s charities, and other groups they feel strongly about. They have made hundreds of hats, blankets, scarves, booties, and other items intended for premature infants, newborns, toddlers, students, veterans, and chemotherapy patients.

The counties closest to the Looming group that are participating in Period of PURPLE Crying are Orange and Hillsborough. Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Duval counties have also begun to participate in this initiative. The club is hoping to expand its efforts and the Period of PURPLE Crying program itself into Sumter County.
“We chose to support the PURPLE program because we heard there was a need. We reached out to Prevent Child Abuse Florida, the agency coordinating the program’s efforts in Florida, and we felt we could really make a difference with our donations,” said Southside Looming Plus Club Chairwoman of Purple Yarn Lucille DiPasquale from the Village of Monarch Grove.
The Period of PURPLE Crying is a program dedicated to teaching new parents about the phase of a baby’s development where there is more crying than usual. During this time, babies may cry for no reason and for long periods of time while resisting soothing. The initiative aims to provide families with education about healthy ways of coping with their baby’s crying without shaking the infant in frustration.
The PURPLE program was created by the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome in 2007 with the goal of supporting caregivers and preventing Abusive Head Trauma to infants. The program’s name serves as an educational tool for parents and caregivers. The term “Period” indicates that the phase of increased crying will have a beginning and an end. It reassures parents that this phase will not last forever. The acronym “PURPLE” stands for:
• P - Peak of crying: Your baby may cry more each week, the most in month 2, then less in months 3-5.
• U - Unexpected: Crying can come and go, and you may not know why.
• R - Resists soothing: Your baby may not stop crying no matter what you try.
• P - Pain-like face: A crying baby may look like they are in pain even when they are not.
• L - Long-lasting: Crying can last as much as 5 hours a day, or more.
• E - Evening: Your baby may cry more in the late afternoon and evening.
This first batch of donations has already begun to make a positive impact for Florida families. Hospitals, home visiting agencies, and community partners in participating counties are giving the knitted caps and booties to families welcoming new babies along with coaching and support about how to cope with a crying baby.
“While caring for a new baby can be stressful, knowing in advance that a phase of increased crying is normal can help parents know what to do,” said Period of PURPLE Crying Project Coordinator for Prevent Child Abuse Florida Shelby Garner. “Every time a parent dresses their new baby in one of these purple handmade gifts, it helps to remind them about the tips they learned with the PURPLE program. We sincerely appreciate all these donations from the Southside Looming Plus Club, and we are excited to continue our partnership with them in the new year.”
To learn more about Florida’s Period of PURPLE Crying initiative, visit
The Southside Looming Plus Club continues to craft purple hats, booties, and lap blankets in support of the PURPLE program. They depend on donations of yarn to continue crafting their items. Purple yarn is rarely donated, so it is often purchased by their members. The club is currently seeking donations of the following brands of yarn in shades of purple: Big Twist, Red Heart, Lion, Caron, Bernat, and Wool Ease. Anyone wishing to donate may drop it off during their club meetings at the Arcadia Room, Everglades Recreation, on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month from 1-3 p.m. They also welcome new members. To learn how to get involved in this effort, please email Chairwoman Lucille DiPasquale at
The Southside Looming Plus Club members are advocates for child abuse prevention and often wear or display blue and silver pinwheels, which symbolize healthy, happy childhoods. With Child Abuse Prevention Month coming up in April, partners around the state will also be showing their support for healthy, happy childhoods by displaying these pinwheels.
About the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and Prevent Child Abuse Florida
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is a private nonprofit that identifies, funds, supports, and tests innovative programs to improve the life outcomes of children, preserve and strengthen families, and promote healthy behavior and functioning in society, recognizing that the wisest money spent is on prevention. Using proven evidence-based strategies, programs focus on improving educational achievement; improving maternal and child health outcomes; promoting health, nutrition, and physical activity; building strong families; and helping keep communities drug-free. Learn about the Florida Children's Initiatives and Innovation Initiatives on the website.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund administers Healthy Families Florida, a nationally accredited voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. The Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund also houses the Florida chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. The chapter implements primary prevention activities and advocates for policies and initiatives to strengthen Florida's families and communities so children can grow and develop through healthy, safe, and nurturing experiences. A major focus for the chapter is the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign in addition to the Period of PURPLE Crying campaign.
To learn more about the Ounce of Prevention Fund, the safe infant sleep materials, water safety campaign, the team's Research, Evaluation, and Systems capabilities, and Training Institute opportunities, visit
November 13, 2024
Zoe Linafelt, APR
TALLAHASSEE – Healthy Families Florida announced a partnership with Welcome Baby USA providing families with critical items for caring for their newborns. The Welcome Baby kits contain diapers, wipes, pacifiers, clothes, bottles, and many other essentials to help make the first four weeks a little easier.
HFF is a nationally accredited, evidence-based, voluntary home visiting program that promotes healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. Part of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, HFF has helped thousands of children thrive by empowering parents with education and community support.
HFF has distributed 500 Welcome Baby kits to 16 Healthy Families sites based on the number of pregnant families they are currently serving. HFF home visitors deliver the kits to families prenatally or right after the birth of the baby.
Parents must be participants in the Healthy Families program when their baby is born to receive a Welcome Baby kit.
Aligning with HFF’s mission, the goal of providing the kits is to reduce economic stress and provide concrete support for families. Data show babies who lack diapers, wipes, rash creams, and comfortable clothes frequent doctors’ offices more often (Source: The Journal of Pediatrics). Studies have shown that mothers who cannot provide for the basic needs of their newborns – like an adequate supply of diapers – often suffer from significantly poorer mental health, experience higher levels of stress, and can lack feelings of parental competency (Source: Health Equity). The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is evaluating the project for positive impacts including reduced economic stress and improved parenting confidence.
“These expecting parents have worked hard with their home visitors to get ready to welcome their newborns into a safe and loving home,” said HFF Executive Director Rebekkah Sheetz. “This partnership with Welcome Baby is a new exciting way we are supporting the families we serve and easing the stress of those first four weeks of life.”
Welcome Baby USA is the first nonprofit in the United States to provide mothers with one comprehensive package containing everything the mother and her newborn need for the first four weeks of life. The nonprofit developed the kits in consultation with hospitals, clinics, health care providers, and mothers. It costs families living at or below the poverty line considerably more money to obtain basic items like diapers because they are unable to afford to buy in bulk, don’t have a credit card, or don’t have a stable address.
“No parent should have to go without the basic necessities they need to care for their newborn,” said Welcome Baby USA’s Executive Director, Sarah Gould Steinhardt. “The items included in the Welcome Baby package are not luxuries; they are the basic, critical items every newborn requires. Providing access to these kits sets up families for a healthy, happy start to life and can have an outsized positive impact on both baby and family as they grow.”
Each kit contains important items a newborn will need in the first four weeks of life. This includes:
• 200 diapers in sizes newborn and 1
• 240 wipes (one month’s supply)
• 2 rash creams (Desitin and A&D)
• Pacifiers
• Baby wash and moisturizer
• 3 bottles
• Baby carrier
• Thermometer
• Grooming kit
• 2 footie pajamas
• 2 swaddle blankets
• 4 short-sleeve onesies
• Baby’s first book
At full retail, this collection of essentials would cost a family in the realm of $400-$500, but because of partnerships established with the companies, the cost is much lower. Parents receive Welcome Baby packages at no charge.
The following HFF sites received Welcome Baby kits to give to Healthy Families participants as their babies are born:
• Healthy Families Alachua/Columbia/Union/Bradford
• Healthy Families Broward
• Healthy Families Clay/Baker/Nassau
• Healthy Families Escambia
• Healthy Families Gadsden/Leon
• Healthy Families Hillsborough
• Healthy Families Jacksonville/St. Johns
• Healthy Families Lake/Sumter/Marion
• Healthy Families Manatee
• Healthy Families Miami-Dade
• Healthy Families Palm Beach
• Healthy Families Pasco/Hernando
• Healthy Families Polk
• Healthy Families Sarasota
• Healthy Families St. Lucie
• Healthy Families Volusia/Flagler
HFF hopes to expand this initiative to more participant families in the future. To donate to this initiative, visit and direct your gift toward Healthy Families Florida. In the field for “Tell us what inspired you to give today,” mention the Welcome Baby kits.
About the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and Healthy Families Florida
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is a private nonprofit that identifies, funds, supports, and tests innovative programs to improve the life outcomes of children, preserve and strengthen families, and promote healthy behavior and functioning in society, recognizing that the wisest money spent is on prevention. Using proven evidence-based strategies, programs focus on improving educational achievement; improving maternal and child health outcomes; promoting health, nutrition, and physical activity; building strong families; and helping keep communities drug-free.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund administers Healthy Families Florida, a nationally accredited voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. The Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
About Welcome Baby USA
Founded in 2019, Welcome Baby is the first nonprofit in the United States to provide low-income mothers with one comprehensive package containing everything the mother and her newborn need for the first four weeks of life.
Their mission is to create a national standard of care for all newborns and new mothers that supports them in the first four weeks of a baby’s life. Their goal is to provide a Welcome Baby package to every single low-income family who needs one, so that no mother or newborn goes without the essential items they need to have a healthy, happy start to life together.
They have provided close to 7,000 packages and over 1 million diapers to low-income families and their newborns.
October 25, 2024
Zoe Linafelt, APR
TALLAHASSEE – Congressman Daniel Webster and Healthy Families Florida announced Senator Gayle Harrell (R-Stuart) as the recipient of the 2024 Daniel Webster Leadership Award at the annual Leadership Meeting in September. This award is presented every year to recognize individuals for their outstanding leadership and strong commitment to the prevention of child abuse and neglect.
Healthy Families Florida is a nationally accredited, evidence-based, voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. In partnership with the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, the Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
The award is named in honor of Congressman Webster who, as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives in 1998, led the legislative creation of Healthy Families Florida.
Senator Harrell represents Florida Senate District 31, which includes Martin County and parts of St. Lucie and Palm Beach Counties.
“Senator Harrell is a long-time friend of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and Healthy Families, as she helped to implement the program in Martin County when we first launched it in 1998,” Congressman Webster said. “Over the past 24 years, while serving in the Florida House and later the Senate, Senator Harrell has been instrumental in framing legislation to improve services for children and families. Knowing how important it is to meet families where they are, Senator Harrell has always seen the importance of home visiting.”
“The safest way for babies to sleep is to be alone, on their backs and in a crib that is free from pillows, blankets or any other items that could be harmful,” said Chesley Richardson, Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse Florida, part of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. “By following the ABCs of Safe Sleep for every sleep, you can sleep better knowing that your baby is sleeping safer.”
Last year as Chairwoman of the Appropriations Committee on Health and Human Services, Senator Harrell used her platform to host an overview of home visiting in Florida to showcase the variety of evidence-based, locally grown, and unique-to-Florida home visiting programs.
This demonstrated how effective Healthy Families Florida is at strengthening families and helped secure the $2 million in recurring funding that was needed to stabilize salaries for hard-working Healthy Families home visitors.
The ceremony began with a special video from Congressman Webster announcing Senator Harrell as the 2024 award recipient.
Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida President and CEO Jennifer Ohlsen and Healthy Families Florida Executive Director Rebekkah Sheetz then presented Senator Harrell with the award.
“Senator Harrell’s focus on developing prevention policy and delivering quality prevention services to children and families throughout our diverse state has been a hallmark of her legislative career,” Ohlsen said. “Her passionate leadership has been an inspiration to her legislative colleagues, provider agencies, the business community, and all of us at the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and Healthy Families Florida.”
“Senator Harrell shows us time and time again that she is deeply committed to serving the children and families of Florida,” Sheetz said. “She is a trailblazer in her own community and across the state. She brought Healthy Families to Martin County over two decades ago, and each day she brings her signature, detail-oriented approach to every aspect of her involvement and leadership in supporting effective programs like ours.”
Senator Harrell accepted the Webster Leadership Award and expressed her appreciation for the many dedicated Floridians working in the child welfare field.
“I am deeply honored to receive this award,” Senator Gayle Harrell said. “Families create the future. That is what we are about. That is what the Legislature is about.”.
Since 2009, Daniel Webster Leadership Award winners have included legislators, policy makers, law enforcement officials, and community leaders who have demonstrated a passion for and commitment to effective abuse and neglect prevention. Previous award winners include Department of Children & Families Secretary Shevaun Harris, U.S. Congressman Aaron Bean, and Florida Senators Doug Broxson and Jason Brodeur.

Senator Gayle Harrell, Rebekkah Sheetz, Jennifer Ohlsen, Jack Levine

Healthy Families Parent Ana Ramon, Rebekkah Sheetz, Jack Levine
About the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and Healthy Families Florida
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is a private nonprofit that identifies, funds, supports, and tests innovative programs to improve the life outcomes of children, preserve and strengthen families, and promote healthy behavior and functioning in society, recognizing that the wisest money spent is on prevention. Using proven evidence-based strategies, programs focus on improving educational achievement; improving maternal and child health outcomes; promoting health, nutrition, and physical activity; building strong families; and helping keep communities drug-free. Learn about the Florida Children's Initiatives and Innovation Initiatives on the website.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund administers Healthy Families Florida, a nationally accredited voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. The Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund also houses the Florida chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. The chapter implements primary prevention activities and advocates for policies and initiatives to strengthen Florida's families and communities so children can grow and develop through healthy, safe, and nurturing experiences. A major focus for the chapter is the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign.
To learn more about the Ounce of Prevention Fund, the safe infant sleep materials, water safety campaign, the team's Research, Evaluation, and Systems capabilities, and Training Institute opportunities, visit
October 2023
TALLAHASSEE, Fla – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis recognized October as Safe Sleep Month in Florida. The Florida Department of Children and Families (Department), Florida Department of Health, and the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida focus special attention on this issue during October to raise awareness about how to prevent infant sleep-related deaths in our state
“One of the most important ways parents can protect their babies is making sure they sleep in a safe environment,” said Department Secretary Shevaun Harris. “Through the promotion of Safe Sleep Awareness Month and our continuous education efforts to parents about safe sleep practices, we hope to help prevent infant deaths due to unsafe sleeping conditions and support strong and resilient families.”
The ABCs of Safe Sleep is a simple way to remind parents of the best practices to use when promoting a safe sleep environment. Infants should be Alone, on their Backs, and in their own Crib free of any additional items (e.g., pillows, blankets, bumper pads, toys, and other loose objects) every time they sleep (including naps and overnight).
All caregivers should follow the ABCs of Safe Sleep until babies have reached at least one year of age.
“Creating a safe sleep environment can help prevent sudden unexpected infant deaths,” said State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo. “Safe Sleep Awareness Month is an essential month to educate families about the importance of safe sleep methods. Make sure your crib meets safety standards and remember the ABCs of Safe Sleep.”
“The safest way for babies to sleep is to be alone, on their backs and in a crib that is free from pillows, blankets or any other items that could be harmful,” said Chesley Richardson, Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse Florida, part of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. “By following the ABCs of Safe Sleep for every sleep, you can sleep better knowing that your baby is sleeping safer.”
Crib bumpers and reclined sleep products are illegal for stores to sell but are still being found in secondhand online markets, thrift stores, garage sales, etc. Do not buy or use any of these items, as they have been recalled, because they have caused suffocation of infants. Information about product safety is available on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission website:
For more safe sleep tips, free resources, and a list of safe gift ideas for new parents, Visit
September 15, 2023
KISSIMMEE, Fla. – Congressman Daniel Webster and Healthy Families Florida today announced Secretary Shevaun Harris as the recipient of the 2023 Daniel Webster Leadership Award. This accolade is presented annually to recognize individuals for their outstanding leadership and unwavering commitment to the prevention of child abuse and neglect.
Healthy Families Florida is a nationally accredited, evidence-based, voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. In partnership with the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, the Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
"The award is named in honor of Congressman Webster who, as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives in 1998, led the legislative creation of Healthy Families Florida.
Secretary Harris began her career as a social worker and for more than two decades has put her talents to work implementing innovative and highly effective policy through her service in the State of Florida. Throughout her professional life, she has played a vital role in ensuring families have the support and resources necessary to overcome challenges and reach their full potential, individually and as a family unit.
During this past year, Secretary Harris has worked to ensure that more families have access to this powerful program by helping improve referrals and engaging the Department’s HOPE Navigators as referring partners. She also supported the additional investment of funds to ensure that Healthy Families program staff are fairly compensated for the work they do.
The award ceremony took place during Healthy Families Florida’s annual Leadership Meeting. It began with a special video from Congressman Webster announcing Secretary Harris as the 2023 award recipient.
“Since assuming her leadership role at the Department of Children and Families in 2021, Secretary Harris has been a strong supporter of the Healthy Families program,” Congressman Webster said. “Recognizing the power in prevention, she has worked with her team, the Legislature, and scores of partners like the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida to shift the focus of the child welfare system to prevention.”
Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida President and CEO Jennifer Ohlsen and Healthy Families Florida Executive Director Rebekkah Sheetz then presented Secretary Harris with the award.“Secretary Harris understands that families are resilient and that they thrive when connected to the resources they need before they are in crisis,” Ohlsen said. “She is a good steward of public funds, focusing investment on programs and services that provide proven benefits to those we serve.
“Secretary Harris works hard every day to serve the families of this state,” Sheetz said. “Her unwavering support of prevention programs is a testament to her dedication to strengthening families and helping children thrive.”
The Secretary accepted the Webster Leadership Award and shared her gratitude for those working in the child welfare field in Florida.
“I am honored and humbled to accept the Daniel Webster Leadership Award,” Secretary Harris said. “The work Healthy Families Florida is doing in our State is truly transformative and aligns so well with the Department’s mission. I am truly grateful for their partnership and dedication to prevention efforts.”
Since 2009, Daniel Webster Leadership Award winners have included legislators, policy makers, law enforcement officials, and community leaders who have demonstrated a passion for and commitment to effective abuse and neglect prevention. Previous award winners include U.S. Congressman Aaron Bean and Florida Senator Doug Broxson.
About the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is a private nonprofit that identifies, funds, supports, and tests innovative programs to improve the life outcomes of children, preserve and strengthen families, and promote healthy behavior and functioning in society, recognizing that the wisest money spent is on prevention. Using proven evidence-based strategies, programs focus on improving educational achievement; improving maternal and child health outcomes; promoting health, nutrition, and physical activity; building strong families; and helping keep communities drug-free. Learn about the Florida Children's Initiatives and Innovation Initiatives on the website.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund administers Healthy Families Florida, a nationally accredited voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. The Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund also houses the Florida chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. The chapter implements primary prevention activities and advocates for policies and initiatives to strengthen Florida's families and communities so children can grow and develop through healthy, safe, and nurturing experiences. A major focus for the chapter is the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign.
To learn more about the Ounce of Prevention Fund, the safe infant sleep materials, water safety campaign, the team's Research, Evaluation, and Systems capabilities, and Training Institute opportunities, visit
Tallahassee, FL--
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida today received a generous donation from the community of New Covenant United Methodist Church (NCUMC) in honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Located in The Villages, NCUMC held an April Family Event on April 2, the first weekend of Child Abuse Prevention Month. Attendees were asked to wear something blue (the official color April's campaign) and bring a donation to the Ounce of Prevention Fund because of its work strengthening families. The event's service project was making 100 Easter baskets for daycares in the Wildwood community. Families also enjoyed brunch, an Easter egg hunt, face painting, pony rides, photos with the Easter Bunny, and live music. Attendees of this inaugural event donated $373 toward child abuse prevention, and the church hopes to collect even more contributions next year.
"Thank you to the NCUMC community for helping us spread the word that everyone can help in the mission of supporting families and preventing abuse," Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida President and CEO Jennifer L. Ohlsen said. "We greatly appreciate faith-based organizations for the important role they play in protecting Florida's children."
"One of our church's main values is caring for each other, especially in times of need, but really it's something we practice every day," NCUMC Senior Paster Rev. Harold Hendren said. "We are glad to support families in our community and statewide with this donation."
Another core value of NCUMC is hospitality, believing all people are worthy of dignity and respect, which helps them continue to be a multicultural and multigenerational church. The Ounce of Prevention Fund thanks NCUMC for creating opportunities for people of all backgrounds to learn from and support each other.
One stable, caring adult can make a difference in a child's life. Whether it's doing a household chore for a new parent, supervising children while they're swimming, volunteering with a youth organization, or educating caregivers about the safest way for a baby to sleep, every person can do something to help. For parenting tips and other resources, visit
About the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is a private nonprofit that identifies, funds, supports, and tests innovative programs to improve the life outcomes of children, preserve and strengthen families, and promote healthy behavior and functioning in society, recognizing that the wisest money spent is on prevention. Using proven evidence-based strategies, programs focus on improving educational achievement; improving maternal and child health outcomes; promoting health, nutrition, and physical activity; building strong families; and helping keep communities drug-free. Learn about the Florida Children's Initiatives and Innovation Initiatives on the website.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund administers Healthy Families Florida, a nationally accredited voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. The Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund also houses the Florida chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. The chapter implements primary prevention activities and advocates for policies and initiatives to strengthen Florida's families and communities so children can grow and develop through healthy, safe, and nurturing experiences. A major focus for the chapter is the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign.
To learn more about the Ounce of Prevention Fund, the safe infant sleep materials, water safety campaign, the team's Research, Evaluation, and Systems capabilities, and Training Institute opportunities, visit
About New Covenant United Methodist Church
New Covenant United Methodist Church of The Villages, Fla., has a vision "to be a thriving body of Christ by being His hands, feet, and voice in the world." Since New Covenant began as a new church plant in 2001, it has grown into a large, multigenerational church with thousands of weekly worshipers, millions of dollars invested in missions and outreach efforts, and diverse ministries for everyone from retirees to children, youth, and families. Under the leadership of Senior Pastor Harold Hendren, the church continues to pursue excellence in worship, missions, and discipleship. For more information, please visit the church website at
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - February 20, 2023
Contact: Zoe Linafelt, APR
Director of Communications
Florida care professionals have new way to earn Continuing Education credits
Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida now offering CEs for Addiction & Mental Health, Child Welfare, and Physical Health certifications
Tallahassee, FL--

of Prevent Child Abuse Florida
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida today announced it has been awarded the designation of "Approved Provider Certification" status by the Florida Certification Board (FCB). With this designation, the Ounce is now permitted to provide training Continuing Education credits (CEs) for Addiction & Mental Health, Child Welfare, and Physical Health certifications.
As an FCB-certified provider, the Ounce of Prevention Fund upholds the responsibility to deliver up-to-date, accurate training that address relevant issues and needs of professionals in these fields. Only qualified educational providers are approved to offer CEs.
Staffing shortages, high turnover, and the likelihood of vicarious trauma occurring in child welfare fields make courses like the ones offered by the Ounce more important than ever. Child welfare agencies, prevention services, youth serving agencies, clinical programs, mental health and addiction professionals, law enforcement and first responders, maternal/infant health care service organizations, school districts, and behavioral health navigators maintain their certifications by earning CEs by taking these types of trainings.
The Ounce training team is led by Chesley Richardson, who was recently named Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse Florida.
"We train the best professionals and paraprofessionals in prevention programs across the state, " Richardson said. "We're honored to help them build competencies so that they can provide the highest quality of service to families in their communities."
"We've relied on the Ounce for excellent professional development for years," said Aisha McDonald, LMHC ? Director, Training Initiatives and Certified Trauma Expert at United Way of Broward County said. "This is great news that our staff can now receive CEs for these other in-demand trainings."
Supported with private funding, the Ounce has provided training and professional development for the United Way of Broward County, Broward County Public Schools, Healthy Start, and Tennessee Department of Health, to name a few. The most in-demand trainings are Motivational Interviewing and Impacts of Child Abuse. The team offers live and online modules to meet a variety of training needs.
For more information, email Chesley Richardson at
About the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is a private nonprofit that identifies, funds, supports, and tests innovative programs to improve the life outcomes of children, preserve and strengthen families, and promote healthy behavior and functioning in society, recognizing that the wisest money spent is on prevention. Using proven evidence-based strategies, programs focus on improving educational achievement; improving maternal and child health outcomes; promoting health, nutrition, and physical activity; building strong families; and helping keep communities drug-free. Learn about the Florida Children's Initiatives and Innovation Initiatives on our website.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund administers Healthy Families Florida, a nationally accredited voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. The Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund also houses the Florida chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. The chapter implements primary prevention activities and advocates for policies and initiatives to strengthen Florida's families and communities so children can grow and develop through healthy, safe, and nurturing experiences. A major focus for the chapter is the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign.
To learn more about the Ounce of Prevention Fund, our safe sleep materials, water safety campaign, our team's Research, Evaluation, and Systems capabilities, and our Training Institute opportunities, visit
The Ounce of Prevention Fund now provides Continuing Education credits for the following certifications:
Addiction & Mental Health
- Master's Level Certified Addiction Professional (MCAP)
- Certified Addiction Professional (CAP)
- Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC)
- Certified Behavioral Health Case Manager (CBHCM)
- Certified Behavioral Health Case Manager Supervisor (CBHCMS)
- Certified Behavioral Health Technician (CBHT)
- Certified Prevention Professional (CPP)
- Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS)
- Certified Mental Health Professional (CMHP)
- Certified Recovery Peer Specialist (CRPS)
- Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS)
- Certified Recovery Residence Administrator (CRRA)
- Certified Gambling Addiction Counselor (CGAC)
- Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (CTTS)
- Certified Telehealth Practitioner (CTP)
Child Welfare
- Certified Child Welfare Protective Investigator, Case Manager, and Licensing Counselor (CWPI, CWCM, CWLC)
- Certified Child Welfare Supervisor (CCWS)
- Guardian Ad Litem Certified Child Advocate Manager (CCAM)
Physical Health
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - November 2, 2022
Contact: Zoe Linafelt, APR
Tallahassee, FL--

President and CEO of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida
on January 1, 2023
Today, the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida Board of Directors publicly announced the selection of Jennifer Ohlsen as the organization?s next President and CEO. She will succeed current President and CEO Douglas Sessions Jr. effective January 1, 2023.
Ohlsen joined the Ounce of Prevention Fund in 2012 as the manager of the Healthy Families Florida Training Institute. She became Executive Director of Healthy Families Florida in 2015. Under her leadership, the program has flourished. Already a strong, evidence-based state system when she became director, Healthy Families Florida has expanded to serve more families, increased funding and service delivery areas, and been enhanced to meet the unique and changing needs of parents.
"We have been blessed with Doug Sessions as our leader for almost three decades. Succeeding him will be quite a task, but Jennifer Ohlsen is more than up to it," said Chair of the Board of Directors T. Wayne Davis. "She has proven her qualifications over the past 10 years leading her excellent staff and serving families statewide. She consistently leverages partnerships to save public dollars while maintaining measurable, meaningful results. We are excited for the knowledge, experience, creativity, compassion, and spirit of collaboration that she will bring to her role every day. I am proud to continue to serve as Chair of the Board under her presidency."
Ohlsen thanked Chair Davis, Search Committee Chair Fred Baggett, and the Ounce Board, saying, "The legacy that Doug Sessions has built will have a positive impact on children and families for generations to come. The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is known for its high standards of excellence, integrity, and partnership. It is the greatest honor of my professional life to accept this important role, and I am excited to continue the momentum of growth for our organization. Thank you to Chair Davis and the entire Board for your support."
Ohlsen has a bachelor's and a master's degree in Early Childhood Education from Florida State University. She began her career as an early childhood educator and then moved into administering early learning programs.
She served in executive leadership roles within the Florida Office of Early Learning and launched her own business delivering consultation and professional development services. She has also worked for several local nonprofit agencies, including Kids Incorporated of the Big Bend and Capital Area Community Action Agency.
Ohlsen is the 2018 recipient of the Dr. Wil Blechman Children's Advocacy Award, presented by the Florida District of Kiwanis for outstanding leadership in promoting programs and services for families of young children under the age of 5.
The position of President and CEO for the Ounce of Prevention Fund has been held by Sessions since 1995. Sessions was named the 2022 recipient of the Chiles Advocacy Award by Children's Week Florida and The Children's Forum. He will retire at the end of this year.
About the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is a private nonprofit that identifies, funds, supports, and tests innovative programs to improve the life outcomes of children, preserve and strengthen families, and promote healthy behavior and functioning in society, recognizing that the wisest money spent is on prevention. Using proven evidence-based strategies, programs focus on improving educational achievement; improving maternal and child health outcomes; promoting health, nutrition, and physical activity; building strong families; and helping keep communities drug-free. Learn about the Florida Children's Initiatives and Innovation Initiatives on our website.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund administers Healthy Families Florida, a nationally accredited voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. The Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund also houses the Florida chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. The chapter implements primary prevention activities and advocates for policies and initiatives to strengthen Florida's families and communities so children can grow and develop through healthy, safe, and nurturing experiences. A major focus for the chapter is the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign.
To learn more about the Ounce of Prevention Fund, our safe sleep materials, water safety campaign, our team's Research, Evaluation, and Systems capabilities, and our Training Institute opportunities, visit
Contact:Zoe Linafelt
Tallahassee, FL--
Dear Friends,
The past 28 years as President and CEO of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida have been some of the most rewarding experiences of my professional life. Just as all good things must come to an end, the time has come for me to retire, and I will do so at the end of 2022.
I am extremely proud of the policy and program work the Ounce of Prevention Fund has accomplished over these three decades. A special resounding thank you goes to our Board of Directors for trusting me to lead this organization. Their inspiring support and steadfast guidance have been invaluable to the growth of our unique public-private partnership.
A big thank you to our program managers and staff for their heartfelt commitment and highest dedication to quality. I am honored and privileged to have worked with so many quintessential professionals committed to the mission of prevention.
I express special gratitude to our funders, both private and public, for believing in us and our mission. Their commitment to helping better the lives of Florida?s at-risk children and families has made our work possible. Through ongoing individual and corporate generosity, four Florida governors, outstanding legislative leadership, and a host of highly capable and passionate executive department secretaries and staff, we have worked together to achieve one of Florida?s most exceptional human services success stories.
I would be remiss by not acknowledging the numerous statewide and community-based advocates, allies, and provider agency professionals whose partnerships have resulted in truly remarkable progress in impacting the quality of life for Florida?s families and children.
Finally, I thank my beautiful wife and three wonderful daughters and their families whose patience, forbearance, and love have helped keep me balanced and on the right track.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund Board of Directors will announce the opening of the President and CEO position in the next few weeks, and then accept and review applications and conduct interviews. It is my hope that the new President and CEO will be in place by mid-November so that our in-office timelines will overlap by several weeks.
Come January 1, 2023, I am confident the Ounce of Prevention Fund will not miss a beat in continuing its important work of supporting Florida?s most vulnerable children and their families. I am equally confident that, under new leadership, the organization will achieve even greater heights over the many years to come.

Doug Sessions
Contact:Zoe Linafelt
Tallahassee, FL--
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida announced today a $60,000 Primary Prevention grant awarded by Prevent Child Abuse America? (PCA America), with funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The goal of the grant is to support the organization?s work of transforming child welfare policy and systems by building sustainable, long-term partnerships that strengthen neglect and abuse prevention efforts. A total of $500,000 will be awarded over a two-year grant period to nine Prevent Child Abuse America state chapters selected for funding.
This grant will directly impact families most affected by systemic barriers that can lead to abuse and neglect in Jacksonville, Fla. The funding will allow Prevent Child Abuse Florida to partner with Family Support Services to provide parent leadership opportunities through the Parent Ambassadors pilot program.
"By partnering with our friends at Family Support Services, we know this money will make an impact in the lives of parents and children in Jacksonville," said Chris Lolley, Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse Florida, a part of the Ounce of Prevention Fund. "This grant will further empower parent ambassadors with 'lived expertise' to prevent abuse and neglect by strengthening protective factors like social connections among parents."
Funds will be allocated toward the following activities:
- -- Stipend for a Parent Engagement Ambassador to facilitate Parent Caf? cohorts while leading other parent leaders
- -- The Parent Caf?s Certification to train parents and other community members as Caf? hosts and leaders
- -- Parent Leadership Training to empower parents on trauma-informed communities, racial stress and trauma, and other leadership trainings requested by parents
Thriving Families, Safer Children is a first-of-its-kind effort of the U.S. Children?s Bureau, Casey Family Programs, the Casey Foundation, and Prevent Child Abuse America. The partnership is working in 22 sites from coast to coast and a sovereign tribal nation. The Thriving Families effort seeks to demonstrate that intentional, coordinated investments in a full continuum of prevention, along with community-based networks of support, will promote overall child and family well-being, equity, and other positive outcomes for children and families.
Equitable and authentic partnerships between family well-being and child protection service agencies and communities is a major goal of the PCA America Primary Prevention grant. Intentional integration of public health approaches, cross-systems partnerships, and emergence of community leaders with real-life experiences are also key outcomes of this grant.
"Preventing childhood adversity is critical to building more healthy and prosperous communities ? and prevention can only happen in partnership. The chapters that were selected for this Thriving Families, Safer Children grant are committed to working across sectors to develop equitable systems that benefit all children and families and break harmful intergenerational cycles of trauma and poverty," said Dr. Melissa Merrick, president & CEO of PCA America. "At a time when all families and systems are experiencing some level of strain, these grantees are working to reframe the approach to family support away from reactive child welfare systems to a proactive, holistic method that emphasizes cross-sectoral collaboration to support the well-being of children and families."
A complete list of grantees, totaling $500,000 in grants, includes:
- -- Families Forward Virginia
- -- Familywise
- -- Idaho Children's Trust Fund
- -- Illuminate Colorado
- -- Nebraska Children
- -- Prevent Child Abuse Arizona
- -- Prevent Child Abuse Indiana>/li>
- -- Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky
- -- The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida
About the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida identifies, funds, supports, and tests innovative programs to improve the life outcomes of children, preserve and strengthen families, and promote healthy behavior and functioning in society, recognizing that the wisest money spent is on prevention. The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is one of 50 state chapters of Prevent Child Abuse America. The chapter implements primary prevention activities and advocates for policies and initiatives to strengthen Florida's families and communities so children can grow and develop through healthy, safe, and nurturing experiences. The Ounce of Prevention Fund houses Healthy Families Florida, the nationally accredited, evidence-based home visiting program for expectant parents and parents of newborns experiencing stressful life situations. The program improves childhood outcomes and increases family self-sufficiency by empowering parents through education and community support.
About Prevent Child Abuse America
Commemorating its 50th year in 2022, Prevent Child Abuse America is a leading champion for all children in the United States. Founded in 1972 and headquartered in Chicago, Prevent Child Abuse America is the nation?s oldest and largest organization dedicated to the primary prevention of child abuse and neglect, working to actively prevent all forms of child abuse and neglect before they occur. Their success is founded on a nationwide network of state chapters and nearly 600 Healthy Families America home visiting sites, which directly provide parents and caregivers a wide variety of services and resources that help children grow up to be productive, contributing members of their communities and society. Their comprehensive approach is informed by science?they translate and disseminate innovative research to promote proven solutions that their vast network then puts into action. And they raise public awareness and advocate for family-friendly policies at the national, state, and local levels to support transformative programs and promote the conditions and contexts that help children, families, and communities across the country thrive. Visit to learn more.
About the W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), founded in 1930 as an independent, private foundation by breakfast cereal innovator and entrepreneur Will Keith Kellogg, is among the largest philanthropic foundations in the United States. Guided by the belief that all children should have an equal opportunity to thrive, WKKF works with communities to create conditions for vulnerable children so they can realize their full potential in school, work, and life. Learn more at
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 22, 2021
Tallahassee, FL--
Today, Department of Children and Families (DCF) Secretary Shevaun Harris highlighted that Governor Ron DeSantis has recognized October as Safe Sleep Awareness Month in Florida, an effort that is spearheaded by DCF and The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida to reduce sleep-related infant deaths in the Sunshine State.
"Experiencing the loss of a child is tragic, but even more so when simple steps could have been taken to prevent that heartache," said DCF Secretary Shevaun Harris. "By informing parents and caretakers on the best practices for safe sleep, we can work together to reduce the number of these fatalities that occur within our communities each year."
Annually, the leading cause of injury-related deaths for Florida infants under the age of one is attributed to suffocation or strangulation in an adult bed. In 2020 alone, preliminary data shows that 74 infants across the state died due to unsafe sleeping conditions. Safe Sleep Awareness Month aims to raise awareness on these tragedies and to educate families and caregivers on how to create safer sleeping environments to lower the risk of these preventable deaths.
"Babies sleep safest when they are alone, on their backs, in a crib or bassinette, and on a firm, flat mattress with no blankets, toys, or other objects," said Chris Lolley, Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse Florida, part of The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. "When a baby is sleeping in a safe environment, the parent or caregiver can rest a little easier, too, knowing they are taking every step to prevent harm to their little one."
Taking care of a newborn isn?t easy, but prioritizing a safe sleeping environment is a task that can be made as simple as A-B-C:
- Alone ? Do not put pillows, blankets, crib bumpers, toys, soft objects, or loose bedding in a baby?s sleeping area.
- Back ? Placing infants on their backs to sleep has drastically reduced infant fatalities from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). ?Back to sleep? should always be followed unless under direction from the child?s pediatrician.
- Crib ? The safest place for a baby to sleep is in a safety-approved crib or bassinette. Cribs should have a firm, flat mattress covered only by a fitted sheet. Sleeping on soft surfaces can increase the risk of SIDS.
Whether an infant is in the care of a parent, grandparent, or childcare provider, all caregivers should promote and follow the ABCs of Safe Sleep guidelines until children are at least one year of age to reduce the risk of sleep-related fatalities. For more information on safe sleep, visit or
Contact: Zoe Linafelt
Tallahassee, FL--

Zoe Linafelt was installed as President of the Capital Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) at the 82nd FPRA Annual Conference earlier this month. Her term will begin September 1, 2021 and conclude August 31, 2022.
FPRA is a statewide organization of more than 1,000 public relations professionals dedicated to advancing the profession of PR and enhancing the professional development of its members. The Capital Chapter serves the Tallahassee region and boasts more than 100 members representing nearly every industry in the area, including government, nonprofit, education, health care, legal, corporate, retail, associations, agencies and small businesses.
Linafelt is the Communications Director for The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, a nonprofit that identifies, funds, supports and tests innovative programs to improve the life outcomes of children, preserve and strengthen families, and promote healthy behavior and functioning in society, recognizing that the wisest money spent is on prevention.
"The Capital City is fortunate to have such a dedicated group of public relations professionals who drive communications efforts for their organizations," Linafelt said. ?It is an honor to lead the Capital Chapter through these unique times when effective communication is more important than ever. My FPRA family has supported me and given me countless opportunities to learn and grow over the past decade. I'm excited to serve the chapter alongside my colleagues on the Board this year."
"Zoe brings seasoned communications judgment, enthusiasm and compassion to our organization every day," said Douglas Sessions Jr., President and CEO of The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. "I know the Capital Chapter will benefit from her leadership."
Devon Chestnut, APR, CPRC, President of the Florida Public Relations Association, said, "My theme for the 2021-2022 year is 'Greater Than.' Under Zoe?s leadership, I know the Capital Chapter will be greater than ever. I look forward to seeing the positive impact the Capital Chapter makes on the community and profession with Zoe at the helm."
About the Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA)
The oldest public relations association in the nation, FPRA was founded in 1938. It has grown to include more than 1,000 professional and student members in the state representing a wide variety of industries. FPRA's continuing mission is to develop public relations practitioners who, through ethical and standardized practices, enhance the profession in Florida. For information about the statewide association, visit To learn about the Capital Chapter of FPRA, visit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - January 27, 2021
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne
Tallahassee, FL--

Congressman Daniel Webster and Healthy Families Florida recently announced Senate President Pro-Tempore Aaron Bean as the recipient of the 2020 Daniel Webster Leadership Award. This accolade is presented annually to recognize individuals for their outstanding leadership and unwavering commitment to the prevention of child abuse and neglect.
"Throughout his Legislative service, Aaron Bean has been dedicated to protecting children and ensuring that they have hope for a bright future. He has consistently promoted positive change in our child welfare system and promoted a focus on preventing abuse and neglect," said Congressman Webster.
"Prevention programs are critical to improve the health and safety of Florida?s children," said Secretary Chad Poppell, Florida Department of Children and Families. ?Healthy Families Florida is proven to prevent abuse and neglect and is an important partner in our mission. On behalf of Florida?s children and families, I am grateful to President Pro Tempore Bean for his support of programs that strengthen families and empower communities."
"I am humbled to receive this honor from Congressman Webster, Healthy Families Florida and the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. Protecting children is one of our most important jobs," said Senate President Pro-Tempore Bean. "Prevention programs not only save money but can completely transform the life of a child. It is my mission to help families and children not just survive, but thrive."
"Healthy Families Florida impacts thousands of vulnerable families who benefit from voluntary parent coaching and support. We are grateful to Senate President Pro Tempore Bean, Congressman Webster and other advocates who recognize the long-lasting benefits of prevention services. Healthy Families could not succeed without the influence and support of policy makers standing behind our hard work," said Doug Sessions, President and CEO of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida.
Healthy Families Florida is a nationally accredited voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. In partnership with the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, the Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
Tallahassee, FL--

In this time of uncertainty, we are all experiencing a degree of added stress, anxiety and fear. Many families in our communities are faced with loss of income, unstable childcare and food insecurity. Some have lost social supports and access to important resources. We know the stress of these new challenges, coupled with social isolation, puts children at an increased risk of experiencing abuse and neglect.
Four years ago, Church became a single parent and has struggled at times to provide for her family. Despite difficult circumstances, she does everything within her power to give her daughter and unborn baby a better start in life than she had. Church plans to study business at Seminole State College, become an entrepreneur and leave a legacy for her children.
Even in the best of times, some parents need help to develop skills to cope with the stresses of everyday life, as well as weather the occasional crisis. Friends, neighbors and communities are critical to building this resilience in families. Every Floridian can help strengthen families by focusing on a few areas of need.
All children need love. The experiences in childhood will impact a child?s emotional and physical health throughout their lifetime. It only takes one caring, trustworthy adult in a child?s life to make a meaningful change.
Families with a strong network of emotionally supportive friends, family and neighbors often find it easier to care for their children and themselves. If you know a family facing a challenging situation, check in on them regularly. Technology allows us to maintain social connections in ways we never imagined, even while maintaining an appropriate physical distance for these times.
Being a good parent is part natural and part learned. Children thrive when parents provide not only affection but also respectful communication and listening, consistent rules and expectations, and safe opportunities that promote independence. Serve as a role model or mentor to parents in your community and encourage these positive parenting practices.
Families may need very specific, tangible items to reduce their stress and get them through this difficult time. Find out what families need and help them access essential services or connect them with organizations that can assist.
A bright spot in every period of adversity is the collection of heartwarming stories of how families and communities pull together when things don?t go as planned. We are all in this together and Florida?s children need us all to provide helping hands to successfully maneuver the challenges ahead. While the situation we now face is temporary, families will need these basic supports long after. I urge every Floridian to make a commitment to become a champion for children and families as this crisis fades into our memories.
Chris Lolley is the executive director of Prevent Child Abuse Florida, the state chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. Every April, partners throughout Florida host Pinwheels for Prevention events in observance of Child Abuse Prevention Month. The campaign features blue and silver pinwheels that represent the happy and carefree childhood we want every child to experience. This year, dozens of community events had to be cancelled, but strengthening families and protecting children is as critical as ever. To learn more about the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign and other prevention efforts, visit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 13, 2019
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne
Tallahassee, FL--Tennis legend Chris Evert awards the Vitas Gerulaitis Memorial Scholarship to Jaquira Church of Orlando.

The two-year college scholarship is named in honor of the late Vitas Gerulaitis, a tennis pro known for his compassion and generosity. It is awarded each year to women who have demonstrated a strong desire to improve their lives by participating in community-based prevention programs administered in partnership with the Ounce of Prevention Fund.
"I'm proud to name Jaquira Church as the recipient of the 2019 Vitas Gerulaitis Memorial Scholarship," said Chris Evert. "She possesses the strength to thrive in the face of adversity and understands the importance of education in reaching her goals. It is an honor to help young women like Jaquira achieve their dreams."
Four years ago, Church became a single parent and has struggled at times to provide for her family. Despite difficult circumstances, she does everything within her power to give her daughter and unborn baby a better start in life than she had. Church plans to study business at Seminole State College, become an entrepreneur and leave a legacy for her children.
"Since 1994, this scholarship program has empowered 45 women to improve their lives, and the lives of their children, by pursuing their educational goals," said Douglas Sessions, Jr., President and CEO of the Ounce of Prevention Fund. "We are pleased and honored to partner with Chris Evert Charities to help families become self-sufficient and provide their children with the best start in life."
For more information about the Chris Evert Pro-Celebrity Tennis Classic and Black Tie Gala, visit or call (561) 394-2400.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 13, 2019
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne
Tallahassee, FL--Tennis Legend Chris Evert and Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida Help Southwest Florida Woman Follow Her Dreams

Chris Evert and the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida announced Dana Tiek-Sosa of Port Charlotte as the recipient of the 2019 Alan Thicke Memorial Scholarship. The two-year college scholarship is named in honor of late actor Alan Thicke, a loyal participant and supporter of Evert's annual pro-celebrity tennis tournament. It is awarded each year to women who have demonstrated a strong desire to improve their lives by participating in community-based prevention programs administered in partnership with the Ounce of Prevention Fund.
"I'm proud to name Dana Tiek-Sosa as the recipient of the 2019 Alan Thicke Memorial Scholarship," said Chris Evert. "Life's circumstances caused Dana to postpone her goals but she hasn't lost sight of improving her circumstances for the benefit of her children. It is an honor to help young women like Dana achieve their dreams."
Five years ago, Tiek-Sosa aspired to work in the medical field when she became pregnant. The baby's father chose to not be involved with the baby. Tiek-Sosa left school and worked three jobs to make ends meet. The stress of three jobs caused health problems during her pregnancy and she was forced to cut back. She struggled to cover the bills and daycare expenses. Since that time, she got married and had a second child. Tiek-Sosa is now enrolled in Florida Southwestern State College to pursue nursing, a desire she has held since age 15.
"Since 1994, this scholarship program has empowered 45 women to improve their lives, and the lives of their children, by pursuing their educational goals," said Douglas Sessions, Jr., President and CEO of the Ounce of Prevention Fund. "We are pleased and honored to partner with Chris Evert Charities to help families become self-sufficient and provide their children with the best start in life."
For more information about the Chris Evert Pro-Celebrity Tennis Classic and Black Tie Gala, visit or call (561) 394-2400.
Tallahassee, FL ? Healthy Families Florida presented the annual Daniel Webster Leadership Award to Jack Levine, founder of the 4Generations Institute and advocate for families and children.
Levine was recognized for outstanding leadership and unwavering commitment to the prevention of child abuse and neglect. The award is named in honor of Congressman Daniel Webster who, as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives in 1998, led the legislative creation of Healthy Families Florida, an evidence-based child abuse prevention program.

Congressman Webster made the announcement in a video message and praised Levine for his advocacy efforts:
- "For 40 years, Jack has provided a voice of support for Florida?s children and families so they can lead healthy, happy lives. His career has not been for the pursuit of accolades, fortune or status, but to make our state and our world a better place."
- "Jack uses his connections and methods of persuasion to champion many important causes, such as Guardian ad Litem and, of course, Healthy Families Florida."
- "He was one of the "boots on the ground" when Healthy Families was first adopted and he has worked loyally alongside leadership to ensure the program?s success for more than 20 years."
Chicago?Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America) announced today that its signature evidence-based home visiting program, Healthy Families America (HFA), has received the highest rating??well-supported??from the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse. Developed by the US Department of Health and Human Services in accordance with the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) of 2018, the clearinghouse systematically reviews research and evaluates programs and services intended to provide enhanced support to children and families, including mental health, substance abuse and parenting assistance, and prevent foster care placements nationwide.
The FFPSA, for the first time ever, enables funds typically reserved for ?after-the-fact? intervention services to be used for upstream strategies such as home visiting.
"Our model is rooted in science that shows early nurturing relationships are the foundation for healthy development and lifelong well-being," explained HFA National Director of Operations Kathleen Strader. "We?re pleased that the clearinghouse recognizes the significance and value of our proactive approach and the positive impact it has on children, families, and communities across the country."
The clearinghouse is an objective, rigorous, and transparent source of information on evidence-based programs and services. More than 360 unique responses from key stakeholders and input from the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare helped determine the first twelve services and programs considered for review by the clearinghouse, which also includes two other evidence-based home visiting programs, Nurse-Family Partnership and Parents as Teachers.
"A major distinction of our approach is that interactions between our direct service providers and families are strength and relationship-based, family-centered, culturally sensitive, reflective, and ultimately designed to promote positive parent-child relationships and healthy attachment," continued Strader. "Moreover, a considerable amount of research has been conducted on our model?nearly 20 publications document independent, randomized control trials that demonstrate positive outcomes for HFA families compared to control groups not receiving HFA services. These are among the factors likely contributing to our high rating."
HFA is designed for parents facing life stresses such as single parenthood, low income, childhood history of abuse and other adverse child experiences, and current or previous issues related to substance abuse, mental health issues, and/or domestic violence. Families are typically enrolled prenatally or within three months of birth, and for HFA sites approved to use the model?s child welfare adaptation, up to age twenty-four months. Once enrolled, services are offered to families for a minimum of three years. To learn more about HFA, please visit .
Tallahassee, FL ? Congressman Daniel Webster and Healthy Families Florida presented the annual Daniel Webster Leadership Award to Carol McNally, former Healthy Families Florida executive director. McNally was recognized for her unwavering commitment to the prevention of child abuse and neglect and outstanding leadership in founding and building Healthy Families Florida. The award is named in honor of Congressman Daniel Webster who, as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives in 1998, led the legislative creation of Healthy Families Florida, an evidence-based child abuse prevention program.
McNally was a driving force behind convincing the Florida Legislature to adopt the Healthy Families model statewide. Her vision included mental health services for the highest risk families. Now that vision is a reality across many sites. Hundreds of families get the treatment they desperately need because of her leadership.
McNally's high standards guided the quality and development of the model, inspiring all involved to work their hardest to ensure that Florida's children are safe, nurtured and thriving. Her determination set the pace, pushing Florida's system to improve practices for families and establishing Florida as an example of excellence for the nation. McNally's work over 16 years established Healthy Families Florida as the largest evidence-based home visiting program in Florida, and built a rock-solid foundation to help Healthy Families grow into Florida's premier prevention program.
Healthy Families Florida is a nationally accredited voluntary home visiting program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. In partnership with the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, the Healthy Families Florida program has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support. Since 2009, Daniel Webster Leadership Award winners have included legislators, policy makers, law enforcement officials and community leaders who have demonstrated a passion for and commitment to effective prevention.
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne
Tallahassee, FL--Annual "Kiwanis Advocates for Kids" Breakfast Benefits Healthy Families Florida

The Florida District of Kiwanis today hosted the 7th annual "Kiwanis Advocates for Kids" breakfast in support of Healthy Families Florida. The breakfast is held each year during Children's Week at the Capitol and featured personal testimony from Meghan Deese, a mother who recently graduated from the Healthy Families program. This is one of many service and fundraising activities Florida Kiwanis clubs have established to help families throughout our state.
"I'm proud of the creative and thoughtful work Kiwanis members contribute to Florida's families and communities," said Florida Kiwanis Governor C. Todd Smith. "Through our partnership with Healthy Families Florida we easily fulfill most " if not all " of the critical components of Kiwanis International's Young Children Priority One, an important service project that encourages clubs to positively impact children in their earliest years."
Each year, Kiwanians from across the state join other child advocates in Tallahassee during Children's Week at the Capitol. The "Kiwanis Advocates for Kids" breakfast is a cornerstone of Kiwanis' advocacy platform and helps to bring awareness to issues affecting Florida's children and families.
Florida District of Kiwanis and Healthy Families Florida have a long-standing partnership to educate and nurture families. Other successful projects supported by Kiwanis include a multi-year commitment to encourage safe sleep practices and efforts to provide Zika prevention kits to families in counties affected by the virus.
"Kiwanians are deeply committed to helping all children get a safe and healthy start in life. The efforts of Kiwanis clubs across the state have provided immeasurable benefits for thousands of Florida's families and young children," said Jennifer Ohlsen, executive director of Healthy Families Florida.
Healthy Families Florida is a nationally-accredited parent-coaching and support program that helps parents provide the safe and stable environments children need for healthy growth and development. Parents voluntarily participate in services provided by specially trained support workers who help families improve their parenting skills and achieve goals that increase family stability and self-sufficiency. The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida administers Healthy Families Florida through service contracts with 35 community-based agencies in all 67 counties. The program served 9,960 families and their 18,313 children in 2017.
For more information about Florida District of Kiwanis, visit
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne
Tallahassee, FL--Tallahassee Single Mom Receives College Scholarship from Chris Evert Charities

Kesi Williams of Tallahassee is looking forward to a brighter future thanks to a college scholarship she received from Chris Evert Charities and The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. Tennis Legend Chris Evert made the announcement during the Chris Evert Pro-Celebrity Tennis Classic in Delray Beach and Williams accepted the check this morning in a ceremony at the Brehon House.
The scholarship is named in memory of Evert's dear friend, tennis star Vitas Gerulitas, who was a strong supporter of the annual tennis event and who strongly believed everyone deserves a second chance.
"Kesi has big dreams for her family and is working hard get the education she needs to fulfill those dreams," said Chris Evert. "We are honored to award her with the Vitas Gerulaitis Memorial Scholarship and look forward to supporting her as she reaches her goals along the way."
Williams found out she was pregnant shortly after leaving an abusive relationship. Learning she would become a mother led her to enroll in Tallahassee Community College where she is two classes away from earning her associate degree.
Williams will use the scholarship to complete her current course of study and begin working toward a bachelor's degree from Thomas University. Despite the numerous challenges Williams has faced, she remains determined to complete her education and make a difference in her community. Her goal for the future is to create a non-profit to provide hygiene supplies and other necessities to elderly community members living on limited income.
Williams participates in Healthy Families Florida, a nationally-accredited, voluntary parent coaching and support program that equips parents to raise children in a safe and healthy environment. In partnership with The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, Healthy Families helps parents set and achieve goals for themselves, such as furthering their education.
~Honored by Congressman Daniel Webster~
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne
Tallahassee, FL--Congressman Daniel Webster and Healthy Families Florida presented the 2017 Daniel Webster Leadership Award to Jason Brodeur, member of the Florida House of Representatives, in recognition of his outstanding leadership and unwavering commitment to strengthening families.

"Healthy Families Florida has a long history of helping Florida's families create safe, healthy and happy environments for their children. It's a distinct pleasure to welcome Representative Jason Brodeur to the roster of influential Floridians who see the value of Healthy Families and champion the success of the program through words and action. Thanks to his efforts, families can continue to get the resources and education they need to thrive," said Congressman Webster.
During his term as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, Congressman Webster led the legislative creation of Healthy Families Florida, an evidence-based child abuse prevention program. Since 2009, Daniel Webster Leadership Award winners have included legislators, policy makers, law enforcement officials and community leaders who have demonstrated a passion for and commitment to effective prevention.
"It is a privilege to accept the Daniel Webster Leadership Award from Healthy Families Florida. Through bolstering parenting skills, empowering families and creating avenues for additional education, Healthy Families helps families rise up from crisis to become self-sufficient and productive. It's imperative we commit to programs that give families the skills, tools and resources they need to succeed," said Representative Brodeur.
"Each year, Healthy Families Florida impacts thousands of vulnerable families who benefit from voluntary parent coaching and support. We are grateful to Representative Brodeur, Congressman Webster and others like them who recognize the importance and long-lasting benefits of prevention services. Healthy Families could not succeed without the influence and support of statesmen and policy makers standing behind our hard work," said Jennifer Ohlsen, Executive Director of Healthy Families Florida.
Healthy Families Florida is a nationally accredited voluntary parent coaching and support program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. Healthy Families has a proven track record of keeping children free from abuse during services and even years after the family completes the program. In partnership with the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, Healthy Families Florida has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support.
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Director of Communications
First Lady Ann Scott today launched the statewide Pinwheels for Prevention campaign in observance of Child Abuse Prevention Month. Prevent Child Abuse Florida and First Lady Scott were joined by state leaders, child advocates and local students at the Governor's Mansion to plant a pinwheel garden in support of the annual awareness campaign.
First Lady Ann Scott said, "I'm honored to launch the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign to promote healthy, happy childhoods for Florida's children. As I visit with students throughout the state, I'm reminded of the important role we all play in helping children thrive. I truly believe that every child deserves a loving and supporting home to grow and learn, and I encourage all Floridians to engage in activities that strengthen our families and communities."
During Child Abuse Prevention Month, Floridians are urged take action to prevent child abuse and neglect:
- Notice children and families in distress.
- Offer a helping hand.
- Give an hour of your time to help children and families.
- Connect a family with resources.
- Talk about healthy child development.
"All children deserve to be healthy, happy, and safe. Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time to acknowledge the importance of individuals and communities working together to prevent child abuse and to promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families," said Florida Department of Children and Families Secretary Mike Carroll. "Simple, everyday actions can make a tremendous impact on the life of a child."
"We care deeply about the health and well-being of all children in Florida. The first 1,000 days of a child's life are arguably the most influential to their future health. When children's needs are met in the first three years of life, they are more likely to thrive. We invite all Floridians to consider ways you can encourage families and get engaged with children's issues in your community," said Dr. Celeste Philip, Surgeon General and Secretary of the Florida Department of Health.
Pinwheels for Prevention is part of a national movement to change the way people think about prevention. Florida's campaign emphasizes the importance of learning about healthy child development, reinforcing positive parenting practices and taking action on behalf of the children and families in our communities. The blue and silver pinwheels represent the happy, healthy childhoods all children deserve. The campaign is sponsored by the Florida Department of Children and Families in partnership with the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, Prevent Child Abuse Florida and numerous partners throughout the state.
"The Pinwheels for Prevention campaign reminds us of our responsibility to put children first. When communities join together to create healthy environments, we lay the foundation for long-term prosperity. Getting prevention right early is less costly to individuals and to society than trying to fix things later," said Chris Lolley, executive director of Prevent Child Abuse Florida.
To find a Pinwheels for Prevention event in your area, visit
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Director of Communications
Tallahassee, FL - The Florida District of Kiwanis today hosted the 6th annual Children's Week breakfast in support of Healthy Families Florida. The breakfast featured Dr. Wil Blechman, a world-renowned child development expert, and Heather Serrat, a mother and military veteran who recently graduated from the Healthy Families program. This is one of many service and fundraising activities Florida Kiwanis clubs have established to help families throughout our state.

Florida District of Kiwanis and Healthy Families Florida have a long-standing partnership to educate and nurture families. "Kiwanis members recognize the value of investing in the first five years of a child's life," said Florida Kiwanis Governor Gary Frechette. "Healthy Families has been proven to improve the lives of young children by preventing child abuse and neglect before it ever begins. Florida Kiwanis clubs are honored to partner with Healthy Families in their work to help children thrive."
Each year, Kiwanians from across the state join other child advocates in Tallahassee during Children's Week. The "Kiwanis Advocates for Kids" breakfast is a cornerstone of the District's advocacy platform and helps to bring awareness to pressing issues facing Florida's families. Other successful projects supported by Kiwanis include a multi-year strategy to encourage safe sleep practices and, most recently, efforts to provide Zika prevention kits to families in counties affected by the virus.
"Florida's families and young children have benefitted tremendously from the collaboration between Healthy Families Florida and Florida Kiwanis," said Jennifer Ohlsen, Executive Director of Healthy Families Florida. "Kiwanis clubs and individuals have generously contributed time and resources to important projects that put critical resources and information directly into the hands of families who need them. Kiwanians are not only helping families and children but saving lives."
Healthy Families Florida is a nationally-accredited parent-coaching and support program that helps parents provide the safe and stable environments children need for healthy growth and development. Parents voluntarily participate in services provided by specially trained support workers who help families improve their parenting skills and achieve goals that increase family stability and self-sufficiency. Healthy Families Florida's 38 community-based sites served more than 9,000 families and their 17,000 children in 2016.
In 1998, the Florida Legislature created Healthy Families Florida in partnership with the Florida Department of Children and Families to promote healthy child development. Healthy Families Florida is a program of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to shaping prevention policy and investing in innovative prevention programs that provide measurable benefits to our state's children, families and communities.
For more information about Florida District of Kiwanis, visit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, February 21, 2017
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Director of Communications
Tallahassee, FL - For more than six months, Florida Kiwanis has partnered with Healthy Families Florida in support of an effort that provides Zika prevention supplies and critical information about the virus directly to thousands of families. Kiwanis clubs joined Healthy Families to assemble kits including flyers provided by the Florida Department of Health and prevention items recommended by the Centers for Disease control such as insect repellent, bed nets and standing water treatment tabs. Local Kiwanis, Circle K International and Key Clubs recruited volunteers to assemble the kits for distribution. Trusted family support workers in the Healthy Families network distributed the kits to more than 4,000 families who participate in Healthy Families programs in 13 targeted Florida counties.

The Florida Kiwanis Foundation has stepped up to help Healthy Families Florida prevent further spread of the Zika Virus. Recently, the Foundation issued mini-grants to Capital City Kiwanis Club and Kiwanis Club of Quincy to help Healthy Families Gadsden/Leon expand the project into the northern part of the state. The funding will be used to purchase additional kit materials for distribution in Gadsden and Leon counties.
"Florida families, especially pregnant women and their babies, are at risk of life-changing health consequences from the Zika virus," said Jennifer Ohlsen, Executive Director of Healthy Families Florida. "Our existing network of family support workers is a natural fit for delivering critical public health messages and important prevention resources, such as the Zika prevention kits. We are thankful to Kiwanis clubs across the state for their contributions to the Zika prevention kits and their continued partnership in support of Florida's families."
"The Florida Kiwanis Foundation is committed to supporting causes that impact the health and well-being of Florida's families and children," said Jim Wylie, Division 3 Trustee for Florida Kiwanis Foundation and member of the Healthy Families Florida Statewide Advisory Committee. "With the spring and summer months rapidly approaching, we must stay diligent in educating our communities and helping prevent the spread of the Zika virus. We are proud to sponsor these mini-grants and encourage our clubs around the state to remain involved in this important project."
Healthy Families Florida and the Ounce of Prevention Fund are spearheading this project with financial support and resources from Florida District of Kiwanis, the Florida Blue Foundation, the Spearman Family Foundation, Florida Association of Healthy Start Coalitions, philanthropists from the Ounce of Prevention Fund's Board of Directors and other Florida businesses. The Ounce of Prevention Fund also engaged the Florida Department of Health and the Florida Department of Children and Families to provide printed Zika prevention materials and partial funding to purchase kit materials.
"Although our state is experiencing a reprieve from Zika during the cooler months, Florida families should not let their guard down to protect pregnant women and their developing babies. Everyone must remain vigilant in preventing mosquitoes bites by wearing bug spray and draining sources of standing water where mosquitoes can breed. I deeply appreciate the dedicated work of Florida Kiwanis, Healthy Families and other partners to help get Zika prevention supplies and educational materials to more Florida families," said State Surgeon General and Secretary of Health Dr. Celeste Philip.
"Everyone plays a role in helping families stay healthy and safe," said Department of Children and Families Secretary Mike Carroll. "We encourage everyone to take precautions to avoid exposure to the Zika virus. We are proud to partner with The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, Healthy Families and Florida Kiwanis in sharing the information and supplies Floridians need to prevent the spread of Zika."
Healthy Families Florida, a program of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, is a nationally-accredited family support and coaching program that is proven to help parents provide the safe and stable environments children need for healthy growth and development. In 1998, the Florida Legislature created Healthy Families Florida to promote healthy child development in partnership with the Florida Department of Children and Families. Parents voluntarily participate in home-based services that help them improve their parenting skills and achieve goals that increase family stability and self-sufficiency.
To learn more about the risks of Zika and how to protect yourself, visit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, November 22, 2016
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Director of Communications
Tallahassee, FL - Chris Evert and the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida recently announced Alexis St. Hilaire, a single mother from Tallahassee, as the recipient of the 2016 Vitas Gerulaitis Memorial Scholarship. The two-year college scholarship is awarded each year to women who have demonstrated a strong desire to improve their lives by participating in community-based prevention programs administered in partnership with the Ounce of Prevention Fund.

The scholarship presentation was a highlight of the 27th annual Chris Evert Raymond James Pro-Celebrity Tennis Classic. "I'm proud to name Alexis St. Hilaire as the recipient of the 2016 Vitas Gerulaitis Memorial Scholarship," said Chris Evert. "She possesses the strength to thrive in the face of adversity and understands the importance of education in reaching her goals. It is an honor to help young women like Alexis achieve their dreams."
Alexis and her four brothers were raised by a hard-working single mother and their great-grandmother. As a sophomore in high school, Alexis became a single mom. At this crossroads when it was tempting to take the wrong path, Alexis decided she wanted to rise above her challenges. She worked harder, took extra courses online and graduated in the top 20 percent of her class. Alexis is currently enrolled at Tallahassee Community College pursuing a degree in nursing. She plans to one day work as a registered nurse and give back to her community.
"For more than 20 years, this scholarship program has empowered dozens of women to improve their lives, and the lives of their children, by pursuing their educational goals," said Douglas Sessions, Jr., President and CEO of the Ounce of Prevention Fund. "We are pleased to partner with Chris Evert Charities to help families become self-sufficient and provide their children with the best start in life."
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne
Healthy Families Florida has launched an effort to provide Zika prevention supplies and critical information about the virus directly to thousands of families in 11 Florida counties. Trusted family support workers in the Healthy Families network are delivering the kits to more than 4,000 families who participate in Healthy Families' voluntary parent coaching and support program.
The kits include insect repellent, bed nets, standing water treatment tabs and informational flyers. They are being distributed to families in Miami-Dade, Monroe, Broward, Palm Beach, Orange, Collier, Hillsborough, Lee, Osceola, Polk and Seminole counties. Healthy Families and the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida developed the project with support from the Florida Blue Foundation, the Spearman Family Foundation, Florida Association of Healthy Start Coalitions, Florida District of Kiwanis, the Florida Department of Health and the Florida Department of Children and Families. Local Kiwanis and Key Clubs assembled the kits for distribution.
"Florida families, especially pregnant women and their babies, are at risk of life-changing health consequences from the Zika virus," said Jennifer Ohlsen, Executive Director of Healthy Families Florida. "Our existing network of family support workers has built relationships with families, established trust and regularly visits them in their homes. We are a natural fit for delivering critical public health messages and important prevention resources, such as the Zika prevention kits."
Many families in our state face barriers to receiving the latest information about Zika and resources to prevent transmission," said Department of Children and Families Secretary Mike Carroll. ?I commend Healthy Families Florida on how it has mobilized its network to ensure families receive accurate and timely information about the risks of Zika and how to protect themselves. We are proud of the work Healthy Families does to keep Florida's children healthy and safe."
"We cannot ignore this health crisis. Now that Zika has arrived in our backyard, we must consider how Zika will affect ourselves, our families and our children. We are thankful to the many partners who understand the importance of promoting Zika prevention and have supported this far-reaching project," said Douglas Sessions, Jr., President and CEO of the Ounce of Prevention Fund.
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne
Tallahassee, FL--Congressman Daniel Webster and Healthy Families Florida today presented the Daniel Webster Leadership Award to Richard Corcoran, incoming speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, in recognition of his outstanding leadership and unwavering commitment to the prevention of child abuse and neglect. The award is named in honor of Congressman Daniel Webster who, as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives in 1998, led the legislative creation of Healthy Families Florida, an evidence-based child abuse prevention program.

"I am proud to recognize Speaker-designate Richard Corcoran for his support of Florida's families and Healthy Families Florida. Strong families are the foundation of a thriving society. Healthy Families is a proven program that assists at-risk families in a way that will benefit our state for generations," said Congressman Webster.
"I am honored to accept the Daniel Webster Leadership Award from Healthy Families Florida. Congressman Webster left an incredible legacy for Florida's families and I am honored to call him a friend," said Speaker-designate Corcoran. "I've never regretted investing in the lives of Florida's children. It is essential to support initiatives that will strengthen Florida families - the backbone of our great state."
Healthy Families Florida is a nationally accredited voluntary parent coaching and support program proven to prevent child abuse and neglect by building on family strengths to promote healthy child development and family self-sufficiency. In partnership with the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, Healthy Families Florida has helped thousands of children by empowering parents with education and community support. Since 2009, Daniel Webster Leadership Award winners have included legislators, policy makers, law enforcement officials and community leaders who have demonstrated a passion for and commitment to effective prevention.
"Our first priority is making sure that every child in Florida has the opportunity to be safe and healthy," said Secretary Mike Carroll of the Florida Department of Children and Families. "Speaker-designate Corcoran played a pivotal role in ensuring funding so that Healthy Families could continue to offer its outstanding services to as many Florida parents and their children as possible. I thank him for his leadership and advocacy on behalf of Florida's most vulnerable children."
"Healthy Families has a proven track record of keeping children free from abuse during services and even years after the family completes the program. We are thankful for leaders like Speaker- designate Corcoran and Congressman Webster who recognize the importance of helping vulnerable families build on their strengths and overcome challenges that place their children at risk. Their support leaves a lasting impact on the lives of children and families throughout Florida," said Jennifer Ohlsen, Executive Director of Healthy Families Florida.
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne
Healthy Families Florida - Florida Kiwanis Foundation and Capital City Kiwanis Club Help Babies Sleep Safe
~Donate safe sleep education and resources for local Healthy Families participants~
Tallahassee--The Capital City Kiwanis Club and the Florida Kiwanis Foundation today joined Healthy Families Gadsden-Leon at the Brehon House to provide families with resources and education to encourage safe sleeping environments for infants. The resources and educational materials will be used as part of a safe-sleep project designed to influence parent behaviors to provide safe infant sleep.
This is the fourth year the Capital City Kiwanis Club has partnered with Healthy Families Florida to distribute safe-sleep resources to families in need. Capital City Kiwanis Club President Amber Tynan said, "Kiwanis Clubs are committed to supporting families and children in our communities. Parents want to do what's best for their babies and when they know better, they can do better. The Capital City Kiwanis Club is pleased to partner again with Healthy Families and provide families with the education and resources they need to help keep babies safe during this most precious time in life."
Healthy Families is a program offered by Brehon Family Services to families in Leon and Gadsden counties. "Brehon Family Services has changed the lives of hundreds of families in the Big Bend area," said Pam Banks, program manager for Healthy Families Gadsden-Leon. "We are thankful to the Capital City Kiwanis Club for their continued support. Their dedication helps give our families the best opportunities to thrive."

According to the Florida Department of Children and Families, unsafe sleep is the number one preventable cause of child death in Florida for babies under one year old. Healthy Families Florida works directly with families to educate them on this important topic as part of services available to families who voluntarily enter the program. The safe-sleep project will take place through Healthy Families Gadsden-Leon, a project of Healthy Families Florida. Families who volunteer to participate will be offered an assessment to determine their attitudes and practices regarding safe sleep habits for their infants. During the course of services with the Healthy Families program, parents will receive a combination of resources (portable crib, sheets, sleep blanket and the board book "Sleep Baby, Safe and Snug") along with safe sleep education information and demonstrations. An assessment will be offered after services to determine if parents changed their attitudes and practiced safe sleep with their infants.
Jennifer Ohlsen, executive director of Healthy Families Florida, said, "Understanding safe sleep practices is a critical safety issue for families with infants. Healthy Families is proud to partner with the Florida Department of Children and Families and the Florida Department of Health in our work to promote safe sleep education to families all across the state. Our goal is to provide families with the education, resources and support they need to make good parenting decisions and prevent tragic losses."
Healthy Families Florida, a program of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, is a voluntary program for expectant parents and parents of newborns experiencing stressful life situations. Parents learn to recognize and respond to their babies' developmental needs, use positive discipline techniques, cope with the stress of parenting and set and achieve short- and long-term goals. The program has proven to be highly successful in preventing child abuse and neglect.
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne
Healthy Families Florida - Betton Hills Preparatory School Students Help Babies Sleep Safe
Tallahassee--Today, Betton Hills Preparatory School students, staff and families presented a donation to Healthy Families Florida that will help provide families with resources and education to encourage safe sleeping environments for infants.
Betton Hills Preparatory School is a non-denominational, co-educational day school in Tallahassee. During their annual Get Out and Play Day, students collected pledges from family and friends to help make a positive difference in the community. The children raised a total of $550 for Healthy Families Florida to promote parent education and support, especially in the area of safe sleep for babies. Students, families and staff at Betton Hills Preparatory School began partnering with Healthy Families Florida through joint participation in the Capital City Kiwanis Club.

"Betton Hills Preparatory School students are proud to partner with Healthy Families Florida to provide resources to purchase portable cribs for families in need. The students learn valuable lessons from making a positive contribution to their community, enhancing what is being taught in the classroom," said Janet Morgan, director of Betton Hills Preparatory School.
Unsafe sleep is a leading cause of preventable child death in Florida for babies under one year old. Healthy Families Florida works directly with families to educate them on this important topic as part of services available to families who voluntarily enter the program.
Jennifer Ohlsen, executive director of Healthy Families Florida, said, "It is great to see kids caring about their community and taking action that will solve real problems. We love when local organizations like Betton Hills Preparatory School step up to help families in need."
Healthy Families Florida, a program of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, is a voluntary program for expectant parents and parents of newborns experiencing stressful life situations. Parents learn to recognize and respond to their babies' developmental needs, use positive discipline techniques, cope with the stress of parenting and set and achieve short- and long-term goals. The program has proven to be highly successful in preventing child abuse and neglect.
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Director Of Communications
First Lady Ann Scott Participates in 2016 Pinwheels for Prevention
Tallahassee, FL -- First Lady Ann Scott today hosted Tallahassee children and guests at the Florida Governor's Mansion to kick off the 2016 Pinwheels for Prevention campaign in recognition of National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Pinwheels for Prevention promotes healthy, happy childhoods for all children. More than 70,000 blue and silver pinwheels are expected to be planted across Florida in conjunction with National Child Abuse Prevention Month observances in April.
Florida's First Lady Ann Scott said, "As a mother and grandmother, it is incredibly important to me that children in Florida are safe and have the opportunity to get a great education. We must continue working every day to ensure families receive the support and resources they need to thrive. I am honored to participate in such a wonderful cause during Florida's Child Abuse Prevention Month to support more children across Florida and the nation. My hope is that every child can achieve their dreams and have a happy childhood in Florida."
Florida's Pinwheels for Prevention campaign is part of a national movement to change the way we think about prevention by emphasizing the important role individuals, businesses, government agencies and community and faith-based organizations play in healthy child, family and community development. The campaign symbol, a blue and silver pinwheel, is a reminder of the happy childhoods and bright futures all children deserve. The campaign is a partnership of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, the Florida Department of Children and Families, Prevent Child Abuse Florida and numerous community partners.
Florida Department of Children and Families Secretary Mike Carroll said, "Protecting and nurturing Florida's children is our highest priority. Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time to help our communities understand that everyone plays a role in preventing child abuse and neglect. Simple, everyday acts of kindness can make a tremendous difference in the life of a child."
Chris Lolley, executive director of Prevent Child Abuse Florida said, "Partners across the state have come together to ensure Florida's children have the best chance for happy environments and healthy development. When you see blue and silver pinwheels planted in your community, be reminded about the happy childhoods they represent and consider how you can help families in your area. Through our collective efforts, we can increase opportunities for children to thrive."
Today's event also served as the debut for a partnership between Prevent Child Abuse Florida, the Florida Trucking Association and Rowland Transportation. The trio has teamed up to wrap a tractor trailer with child abuse prevention messages. This "rolling billboard" will be featured at a number of Child Abuse Prevention Month events throughout the state and in service on Florida's roads and highways for a year.
Ken Armstrong, president and CEO of the Florida Trucking Association, said, "Trucking professionals care deeply about the health and safety of the families in the communities where they work and live. We are pleased to join the statewide effort to raise awareness of this critical children's issue."
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Director of Communications
850-921-4494 ext, 209,
Overtown Children and Youth Coalition Earns Florida Children's Initiative Designation
Tallahassee, FL - The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida named the Overtown Children and Youth Coalition in Miami a Florida Children's Initiative. The designation indicates the area has been recognized as severely disadvantaged and provides guidance for coordinating programs to address the critical needs of children and their families while directing efforts to rebuild the basic infrastructure of the communities.
Sulphur Springs Neighborhood of Promise in Tampa also received the Florida Children's Initiative designation, joining Paramore Kidz Zone in Orlando, New Town Success Zone in Jacksonville and the Miami Children's Initiative in Miami, which were named in previous years. All five communities are guided by the successful principles employed by the internationally renowned Harlem Children's Zone.
"When individuals and groups commit to making a difference in the lives of families, children will prosper," said Douglas Sessions Jr., President and CEO of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. "We are pleased to name the Overtown Children and Youth Coalition a Florida Children's Initiative and look forward to celebrating their future successes."
The Overtown Children and Youth Coalition serves Miami's Overtown neighborhood, an area where children and families face extreme levels of poverty, low academic achievement and health disparities. Intensive rehabilitation and redevelopment are necessary to improve the health, well-being and livelihood of children living there. The Overtown Children and Youth Coalition is a group of professionals, institutions, government officials, residents and youth charged with implementing the Children and Youth Master Plan to improve outcomes for all of Overtown's children.
"The Overtown Children and Youth Coalition membership has worked diligently for three years to prepare the Overtown community to join the statewide effort to improve the lives of children under the Florida Children's Initiative umbrella. We are very proud of the achievement and excited about our next steps," said Saliha Nelson, Overtown Children and Youth Coalition Chairperson.
In 2008, the Florida Legislature assigned the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida the responsibility for reviewing and approving requests from local municipalities and/or counties to obtain a Children's Initiative designation. Section 409.147, Florida Statutes encourages state and community partners to provide the necessary means and resources to assist disadvantaged areas in creating a community-based service network that develops, coordinates, and provides quality education, accessible health care, youth development programs, opportunities for employment, and safe and affordable housing for children and families living within its boundaries.
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Direcor of Communications
850-921-4494 ext. 209,
Sulphur Springs Neighborhood of Promise Earns Florida Children's Initiative Designation
Tallahassee--The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida named the Sulphur Springs Neighborhood of Promise in Tampa a Florida Children's Initiative. The designation indicates the area has been recognized as severely disadvantaged and provides guidance for coordinating programs to address the critical needs of children and their families while directing efforts to rebuild the basic infrastructure of the communities.
Miami's Overtown Children and Youth Coalition also received the Florida Children's Initiative designation, joining Paramore Kidz Zone in Orlando, New Town Success Zone in Jacksonville and the Miami Children's Initiative in Miami, which were named in previous years. All five communities are guided by the successful principles employed by the internationally renowned Harlem Children's Zone.
"Children's Initiatives ensure community partners work together to help children thrive," said Douglas Sessions Jr., President and CEO of the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. "We are pleased to designate Sulphur Springs Neighborhood of Promise a Florida Children's Initiative. We are confident that families in Sulphur Springs will greatly benefit from the focused efforts to improve outcomes for the children living there."
Tampa's Sulphur Springs community was identified as an area where children and families faced extreme levels of poverty, crime, teen pregnancy and low academic achievement. A coalition of government, nonprofit organizations and community residents created the Sulphur Springs Neighborhood of Promise. The coalition has invested government and private funding into positive programming for residents and children that has shown impactful gains regarding the social and economic challenges of the Sulphur Springs community.
"The Sulphur Springs Neighborhood of Promise (SSNOP) is honored to be designated as a Florida Children's Initiative zone by the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. The SSNOP utilizes multiple partners to implement the cradle to college model that is intended to improve education and eradicate generational poverty," said Sheff Crowder, Board Chair of the Sulphur Springs Neighborhood of Promise.
In 2008, the Florida Legislature assigned the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida the responsibility for reviewing and approving requests from local municipalities and/or counties to obtain a Children's Initiative designation. Section 409.147, Florida Statutes encourages state and community partners to provide the necessary means and resources to assist disadvantaged areas in creating a community-based service network that develops, coordinates, and provides quality education, accessible health care, youth development programs, opportunities for employment, and safe and affordable housing for children and families living within its boundaries.
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Direcor of Communications
850-921-4494 ext. 209,
Healthy Families Florida - Capital City Bank supports the Healthy Families Florida Annual Leadership Meeting
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Direcor of Communications
850-921-4494 ext. 209,
Healthy Families Florida - Capital City Kiwanis Club Donates Pack ?n Plays to Help Homeless Families
Tallahassee--Unsafe sleep is the leading cause of infant death in Florida. To reduce the number of these tragic, preventable deaths, the Capital City Kiwanis Club, Healthy Families Florida home visiting program and Big Bend Homeless Coalition are working together to provide Pack ?n Plays to local families who need a safe place for their infants to sleep. For more than three years, the Capital City Kiwanis Club has been partnering with Healthy Families Florida to distribute Pack ?n Plays to families in need. Today, they presented the Big Bend Homeless Coalition with 10 new Pack ?n Plays to distribute to homeless families living at Hope Community.
"As part of our partnership with Healthy Families, the Capital City Kiwanis Club has raised thousands of dollars to purchase Pack ?n Plays for families who don't have a safe place for their infants to sleep. We felt compelled to get involved because the risk of infant death is 40 times higher for babies who sleep in adult beds than it is for babies who sleep in their own safe space," said Kiwanis Club President Woody Price.
"Our home visitors are trained to address safe infant sleep with every family we serve; but, some families have very little income and just can't afford to purchase a safe crib, bassinet or Pack ?n Play. We are very grateful that the Capital City Kiwanis Club has stepped up to help us meet this need for the families in our community," said Pam Banks, Program Manager for Healthy Families Gadsden/Leon.
Healthy Families Gadsden/Leon is one of 33 Healthy Families Florida home visiting programs around the state funded by the Florida Legislature and administered by the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida in partnership with the Department of Children and Families. The program provides intensive home visiting services proven to prevent child abuse and neglect in at-risk families.
Dekeisha Whitehead, a Healthy Families participant who received a free Pack ?n Play when she was living with her children at Hope Community, said, "The services I received from Healthy Families and Hope Community really complimented each other and helped strengthen my knowledge and abilities as a parent and provider so my children can have a safe and stable home. I am very thankful for these programs and hope that they will continue to be around to help other families just like mine."
"On behalf of the Big Bend Homeless Coalition, I would like to thank the Capital City Kiwanis Club and Healthy Families Florida for their donation of Pack 'N Plays. These will provide safe sleep to 10 infants at HOPE Community, our emergency and temporary housing program for families with children. We provide housing to over 300 infants and children a year, and appreciate you partnering with us to help serve our community's kids," said Bret Oglesby, Interim Executive Director Big Bend Homeless Coalition.
This effort is part of the Florida Department of Children and Families Safe Sleep Campaign, which was launched in September 2014 to help local and statewide organizations, first responders, businesses and government officials work together to decrease sleep-related infant deaths. The statewide Safe Sleep Campaign includes online training, free resources, PSAs, events, social media outreach and more. The campaign urges parents and caregivers to place children to sleep alone, on their backs, in a crib, bassinet or Pack ?n Play without any blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, or bumper pads.
"The Safe Sleep campaign is successful because of local partnerships like this -- where communities identify and pool their resources to help families in need. We are honored to partner with Capital City Kiwanis Club, Healthy Families Florida and the Big Bend Homeless Coalition to provide much-needed safe sleep resources to local families," said DCF Community Development Administrator Jeanna Olson.
For more safe sleep information, free resources, video PSAs and an interview with a mother impacted by unsafe sleep, visit
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Direcor of Communications
850-921-4494 ext. 209,
State Leaders Join PCA Florida to
Launch Inaugural Wear Blue Day for Child Abuse Prevention
Tallahassee--First Lady Ann Scott and several state agency heads participated in Prevent Child Abuse Florida's (PCA Florida) inaugural Wear Blue Day at the Capitol this morning. A free grab-and-go breakfast was provided on the second floor of the Capitol rotunda and legislative staff and members of the public had their photos taken wearing blue to show their support of child abuse prevention efforts throughout Florida.
"April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and Wear Blue Day is an easy way for people everywhere to participate in raising awareness and promoting investments in effective child abuse prevention programs," said PCA Florida Executive Director Anita Odom. PCA Florida asked individuals, businesses, community organizations and government offices throughout Florida to #GoBlue4Prevention by participating in the first statewide Wear Blue Day for child abuse prevention.
Photos from Wear Blue Day events throughout Florida were posted to the Wear Blue Day photo album at The photo with the most "Likes" at the end of the month won a prize.
Wear Blue Day is just one of many Pinwheels for Prevention campaign activities that will occur during April in recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month. A searchable online database of local Pinwheels for Prevention events is available here.
Florida's annual Pinwheels for Prevention campaign, sponsored the Florida Department of Children and Families and implemented by Prevent Child Abuse Florida and more than 200 community partners, is building a strong, community-wide commitment to healthy child development. The campaign uses the pinwheel as a whimsical reminder that all children deserve to live in nurturing environments that provide opportunities for healthy growth and development.
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Direcor of Communications
850-921-4494 ext. 209,
General Federation of Women's Clubs Florida Shows Supports for Pinwheels for Prevention Campaign
Tallahassee--General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) Florida members attended a press conference and pinwheel planting on the front steps of the Historic Capitol in Tallahassee today in support Prevent Child Abuse Florida's (PCA Florida) Pinwheels for Prevention campaign. Pinwheels for Prevention is a national campaign to change the way we think about prevention by focusing on community activities and public policies that prioritize healthy child, family and community development to prevent child abuse before it ever begins.
The General Federation of Women's Clubs, Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and more than 200 other community partners throughout Florida, are joining PCA Florida in promoting Pinwheels for Prevention by hosting special events during April in recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month.
"The GFWC is committed to preventing all forms of domestic violence, including intimate partner violence, teen dating violence, elder abuse and child abuse," said GFWC Florida President Carole Weaver. The GFWC is a national leader in the fight to end domestic violence by raising awareness about this social issue, supporting existing activities and established programs, and initiating educational opportunities for club members and local citizens.
With support from the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and the Florida Department of Children and Families, PCA Florida is providing their partners with educational materials for parents and advocates and broadcasting public service announcements that highlight the fact that investing in effective prevention is less costly to society, and to individuals, than trying to fix things later. "When we invest in healthy child development, we are ultimately investing in community and economic development; and the return on such investments is truly staggering," said Executive Director of PCA Florida Anita Odom. Research conducted by Prevent Child Abuse America estimates that implementing effective policies and strategies to prevent child abuse and neglect can save taxpayers $104 billion per year
According to Leisa Wiseman, Director of Communications and Government for the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the consequences of domestic violence are far-reaching and impact both adults and children. "Studies show that for survivors who experience severe forms of domestic violence, their children may also be in danger of suffering serious physical harm," said Wiseman.
Through a partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Children and Families, certified domestic violence centers in Florida are working to prevent domestic violence before it occurs by engaging individuals and communities in promoting and fostering healthy relationships. "Efforts such as these are critical to reducing the rates of domestic violence as well as ensuring that adult and child survivors remain safely together and are able to live violence free lives," said Wiseman.
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Direcor of Communications
850-921-4494 ext. 209,
Governor Scott Declares April Child Abuse Prevention Month
Prevent Child Abuse Florida Launches Statewide Pinwheels for Prevention Campaign
Tallahassee--Governor Scott issued a proclamation today recognizing April as Child Abuse Prevention Month and urging all Floridians to engage in activities to strengthen families and communities to provide the optimal environment for healthy child development.
Prevent Child Abuse Florida (PCA Florida) and more than 200 community partners throughout Florida will be implementing Pinwheels for Prevention, a national campaign to establish a community-wide commitment to healthy child development, by holding a series of special events throughout the month. To launch the campaign and kick-off the month-long observance, PCA Florida proudly unveiled their new chapter and Pinwheels for Prevention campaign logos online this morning.
In 2008, Prevent Child Abuse America launched the national Pinwheels for Prevention campaign and adopted the pinwheel as the national symbol for child abuse prevention. The pinwheel is a whimsical reminder that all children deserve to live in nurturing environments that provide opportunities for healthy development. "Our new chapter logo, which features the pinwheel, visually connects our work to the national Pinwheels for Prevention campaign; and, the new campaign logo visually connects campaign activities to our chapter creating a strong brand for our statewide prevention efforts," said PCA Florida Executive Director Anita Odom.
With support from the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and the Florida Department of Children and Families, PCA Florida is providing educational materials for parents and advocates and broadcasting public service announcements that highlight the fact that investing in effective prevention is less costly to society, and to individuals, than trying to fix things later.
Child and family advocates have long recognized that many of our toughest social issues -- poverty, crime, teen pregnancy, child abuse, drug addiction and poor school performance -- are intricately intertwined. Research conducted by Prevent Child Abuse America estimates that implementing effective policies and strategies to prevent child abuse and neglect can save taxpayers $104 billion per year.
"The fact is, when we invest in healthy child development, we are ultimately investing in community and economic development. While there are many innovative child development efforts being implemented in Florida, we can and should increase our investment in effective prevention," said Odom. "It is possible to prevent child abuse and neglect; and, I am confident that if individuals come together as a community to work toward the prevention of abuse, we can achieve our vision of great futures for all children in Florida."
"As we continue our work to make an impact on the lives of children and families, we hope that others grow to recognize and celebrate the pinwheel in the same way that we do today," said Jim Hmurovich, President and & CEO of Prevent Child Abuse America. "At the same time, it is important to remember, while the pinwheel symbolizes the great childhoods we want for all children, it cannot move by itself. We need people to be the force that moves the pinwheel to bring about real change for children in the United States."
Contact: Jennifer Hartshorne, Direcor of Communications
850-921-4494 ext. 209,
Chris Evert Charities Raises Funds And Awards Scholarships
DELRAY BEACH, FL--For more than 20 years, Chris Evert Charities has partnered with The Ounce of Prevention Fund, a public-private partnership that makes a measurable difference in the lives of Florida's vulnerable children. Proceeds from Evert's most recent fundraiser, which totaled $600,000, will be distributed through The Ounce of Prevention Fund to a variety of innovative, community-based programs serving at-risk families. These funds also provide Vitas Gerulaitis Memorial Scholarships to women who are current or past participates in the organization's programs.
Single moms Vanessa Walker and Suzanne Paxton were awarded Vitas Gerulaitis Memorial Scholarships by Chris Evert Charities during its 24th annual Chris Evert/Raymond James Pro-Celebrity Tennis Classic last weekend.
Walker, from Crawfordville, and Paxton, from Spring Hill, are both participants in Healthy Families Florida, a home visiting program funded by the Florida Legislature and administered by The Ounce of Prevention Fund in collaboration with the Florida Department of Children and Families.
"Our innovative, community-based programs provide at-risk children and their families with the skills and resources they need to build a solid foundation for long-term success and self-sufficiency," said Ounce of Prevention Fund President & CEO Doug Sessions. "I am thrilled that two of our Healthy Families participants have been awarded scholarships to help them achieve their educational goals," Sessions added.
Walker will pursue a degree in early childhood development at Tallahassee Community College with a goal of becoming a special education teacher. "I have been trying to get into college for some time, but couldn't afford it," she said. "I want to get an education so I am able to provide for a better life for my son than I had. Now, thanks to Chris Evert, I can."
Paxton will attend Pasco Hernando Community College where she will major in human services in hopes of one day helping others to break out of the vicious cycle of poverty and dependence. "This scholarship changes everything for me," she said. "I graduated from high school 10 years ago and have been in and out of college trying to get an education. But always I have to drop out because I have to work. Now I can stay in college and finish!"
"In memory of Vitas, these two young women are going to college!" beamed Chris Evert as she awarded the $10,000 scholarships at the Delray Beach Stadium & Tennis Center. Gerulaitis, a close friend of Evert's, was the 1977 Australian Open champion and a six-time Top 10-ranked player. He died in 1994 at age 40. Since the scholarship program began in 1995, 38 scholarships have been funded and awarded to needy recipients in his honor.