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Research, Evaluation and Systems

Put our experience to work for you...

The Ounce of Prevention Fund has over 25 years experience working with private foundations, community lead agencies and government entities. Our proven abilities in the application of best practice standards for evaluation and information systems can help you do even more to improve the lives of those you serve and make you more competitive in seeking funding.

Program Evaluation and Information Management

Program Evaluation

By blending quantitative and qualitative data in performance evaluation designs to more rigorous experimental evaluation designs, we can illustrate the difference that your efforts are making in the lives of those you serve in the community.

Information Systems

Through a user-friendly, reliable and secure information management system, you can collect critical data with which to measure your program success. Utilizing custom performance reports, you can ensure accountability and provide tools for performance improvement while saving valuable staff time with greater confidence in your data's accuracy and reliability.

Our staff can develop, host, and customize an information management system to fit your needs. They design reports to meet your needs as they relate to program management and funding requirements.

The table below provides examples of areas in which we have done research, evaluation and systems projects.

Examples of Areas of Experience
Content Areas Program Strategies Outcome Measurement
  • Adult and child literacy
  • Child welfare
  • Developmental disabilities
  • Health access
  • Juvenile justice
  • Maternal child health
  • Leadership development
  • Youth development
  • Public awareness campaigns
  • After school programs
  • Civil citation
  • Chronic disease management
  • Coordinated case management
  • Doula Services
  • Foster care
  • Family literacy
  • HIV/STD education
  • Home visiting
  • Mentoring/Tutoring
  • Marriage/Relationship education
  • Parent education
  • Parenting skills training
  • Support groups
  • Youth Development
  • Academic performance
  • Child abuse and neglect
  • Depression
  • Employment
  • Health indicators
  • Mental health
  • Parent-child interaction
  • Public policy
  • Self-esteem
  • Stress
  • Substance abuse
  • Systemic change
  • Teen pregnancy
  • Violence prevention

For more information on these services, please contact Kayla S. Thomas, Director of Research, Evaluation and Systems. You may call 850-921-4494 x 216 or email